Saturday, May 9, 2020


It has been a long time since I've posted here, but I am planning on giving an updated overview of the format, with some decklists and deck ideas as long of a detailed discussion of the metagame. Some significant rule changes have gone into effect, namely:
1.) If you go first, you can't play a supporter card on your first turn. This makes Spiritomb a valid counter to Sableye-based decks, because supporters can no longer be used to search for Space Center on the first turn, which means that the probability of getting a Space Center is now quite low.
2.) Erika has been reprinted as a supporter card which changes the card from one of the best draw tools in the format (excluding decks like the one outlined in the last post that rely on controlling the opponent's hand) to a next-to-useless card in the format.
Hopefully I will find the time in the coming weeks to re-analyze and test out some decks and post about them for anybody who is interested (the supporter ruling specifically has drastically altered the format).