Monday, February 2, 2015

Lock/Stall Decks Overview

This article will be just like the last one except for lock and stall decks instead of donk decks. Here goes...

Vilelock - One of the largest factors of having a successful deck is your search/draw power. Vilelock completely eliminates this as well as any other trainer cards your opponent wants to play. By using Dark Vileplume or Vileplume you can take control and continue attacking quickly with any Pokemon that has cheap attacks.

Muk ex - This deck is similar to Vileplume except it blocks PokePowers and PokeBodies. Since nearly every competitive deck in the unlimited format relies on these, this deck is extremely good. With cards like Expert Belt and some simple Grass Energy, this deck slowly destroys the opponent's Pokemon.

Spiritomb - This deck simply attempts to use Spirtomb, like most other lock decks, to lock the opponent's trainers while doing damage in various ways.

Muk - This deck is mostly inferior to Muk ex besides the fact that Muk also works on the bench so you can send a more efficient attacker out.

Total Lockdown - This deck, once fully set up, is nearly unstoppable. It prevents your opponent from playing any trainers and prevents your opponent from attacking, evolving, or using any PokePowers/PokeBodies. It does this through Aerodactyl + Aggron ex and Dark Vileplume.

Holon Lock - This deck is definitely a creative one. While not quite as competitive as the others, it is extremely fun to play and isn't too broken. The deck uses Golduck to prevent your opponent from playing stadiums and has Holon Circle in play. If they try to attack, use cards like Dark Porygon2 (or 4 of them) to get Holon Circle back into play. Using Unown Z, your opponent will probably run out of cards but you won't. Like I said earlier, this is a pretty fun deck to play even though it isn't quite as effective as some of the others. 

Hopefully this gave you a good idea of how various lock/stall decks work. As always, thanks for reading!


Card images come from previously sited sites as well as: PokeNoah

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